Intensity dataset acquired through laser scanning of lunar and Martian soil simulants
The data were acquired using two different types of terrestrial laser scanners. The first was a time-of-flight scanner Leica ScanStation C−10, the second was a phase-shift scanner Z + F IMAGER 5016. The research programme covered scanning soil specimens from different distances (15 m, 30 m, 60 m, 90 m, 120 m, 150 m, 200 m). Lunar Soil Simulant (LSS), Martian Soil Simulant (MSS) and Earth Soil Simulant (ESS) were used to prepare target specimens for scanning. The target specimens were oriented approximately perpendicular to the laser beam. The incidence angle was ranging between 0 and 1.5degree. Data format: Raw - Point cloud (*.pts format) X, Y, Z, Intensity (-2048 – +2048); for Leica ScanStation C−10 X, Y, Z, Intensity (0 – 1); for Z + F IMAGER 5016
Steps to reproduce
RAW data