Mendeley Supplemental Table 1: Representative quotes from categories of dermatology match discussion.

Published: 17 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/z7h9m8p43b.1
, Jack Kollings,


A collection of representative quotes from various categories of dermatology match discussions. These categories include research year, letters of recommendation, rotation grades, away rotations, interests and activities, interviews, signals, personal statements, DO match, and medical school. The quotes offer insights and advice from different perspectives on the importance and impact of each category on the dermatology match process.


Steps to reproduce

In March 2024, using search terms "how to match into dermatology" and "advice for the dermatology match process," yielded 34 sources from TikTok (10), Reddit (14), and SDN (10).


Medicine, Dermatology, Education, Medical Education, Social Media, Residency Programs, Misinformation Effect
