Mediating and moderating factors on Proenvironmental decision making

Published: 8 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/z7s4r2v4p7.1
Esther Cuadrado,


SPSS dataof a research about (a) the mediating role of perceived responsibility towards Climate Change (CC) in the relationship between scepticism towards CC and pro-environmental decision-making; and (b) the moderating role of implicit theories about CC (ITCC) in the relationship between responsibility and pro-environmental decision-making. Responsibility mediated the relationship between scepticism and pro-environmental decision-making, and ITCC moderated the relationship between responsibility and pro-environmental decision-making.


Steps to reproduce

Moderated mediation analysis was performed using the model 14 of the macro Process for SPSS. Scepticism was included in the model as the independent variable, sense of responsibility as the mediating variable, ITCC as the moderating variable, and pro-environmental decision-making as the dependent variable. As Process for SPSS does not provide standardized values for model 14 and as the variables does not use the same scale values (All Likert scales were between 1 and 5 whereas the pro-environmental decision-making used a 0 to 7 interval), all the measures were transformed to Zscore before to be used in the analyses.


Universidad de Cordoba


Environmental Psychology, Environmental Education


Feder Andalusia Operational Program 2014-2020

