The Effect of Leadership Training for Women MSME Owners on Business Performance, Digital Competence, and Business Decision-Making with the Development of Business Model Innovation as Moderation

Published: 16 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/z7xsxgmzpx.1


This research aims to identify the relationship between leadership training for female Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) owners and their business performance, digital competence and business decision making. The independent variable in this research is Leadership Training for Female MSME Owners (X1), which consists of three dimensions: Gender Equality, Communication Skills, and Adaptability. The first dependent variable is Business Performance (Y1), which consists of three dimensions: Financial Performance, Business Growth, and Customer Satisfaction. The second dependent variable is Digital Competence (Y2), which consists of three dimensions: Technological Understanding, Technical Skills, and Adaptation to Technological Change. The third dependent variable is Business Decision Making (Y3), which consists of two dimensions: Risk Analysis Ability and Conflict Management Ability. Apart from that, there is a moderating variable in this research, namely Business Model Innovation (Z1), which consists of three dimensions: Value Proposition, Scalability, and Sustainability. This moderating variable will influence the relationship between leadership training and the dependent variable, as well as moderating the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. By considering all these variables, this research will provide in-depth insight into the effectiveness of leadership training on women's MSME business performance, their digital competence, and business decision-making abilities, as well as how business model innovation can moderate this relationship. It is hoped that this research can provide valuable information for female MSME owners, business people and related parties to improve the performance and competitiveness of MSMEs in this digital era.



Universitas Negeri Malang


Leadership, Decision Making, Business Model, Business Performance Management, Digital Business
