Comparison of CC, TC, RoMeFo trajectory conditions applied for rotational forming of axially asymmetric geometries

Published: 12 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/z824x4wzwf.1


Presented data were analyzed in the manuscript titled: "Computer Aided Engineering in the application of rotational forming of axially asymmetric geometries" Theorem: "Rotational forming of axisymmetric metal products requires an adaptation of the forming trajectory design method to the axisymmetric geometry. Conventional products with a circular cross-section can be formed using the condition of a fixed position of the forming zone, while axisymmetric products should take into account the change in position of the forming zone. Taking this phenomenon into account will make it possible to form products: higher, with a better surface, more complex geometry, etc." ***Data.xlsx *** Data set used in the article: "Computer Aided Engineering in the application of rotational forming of axially asymmetric geometries". The data includes: angular rotation of the mandrel, the angle between the front and side surfaces, a set of trajectory points generated with the condition of constant CC contact, the set of trajectory points generated with the TC contact condition, set of trajectory points generated with the RoMeFo program, set of subtraction operations: CC - TC, set of subtraction operations: CC - RoMeFo, set of subtraction operations: TC - RoMeFo, normal error distribution: CC-TC normal error distribution: CC-RoMeFo normal error distribution: TC-RoMeFo 1 column: Mandrel rotation ri [°] 2 column: Angle betwen front and side φi [°] of mandrel surfaces 3 column: CC [mm] - trajectory generated with condtition Constant Contact 4 column: TC [mm] - trajectory generated with condtition Tangential Contact 5 column: RoMeFo [mm] - trajectory generated with condition Tangential Contact by program RoMeFo 6 column: CC-55, from values CC the value 55was subtracted 7 column: TC-55, from values CC the value 55was subtracted 8 column: RoMeFo-55, from values CC the value 55was subtracted 9 column: δ_(CC-TC)=(((CC-55) - (TC-55)) / 2.5mm)⋅100%. Values from column 6 and 7 were subtracted and then divided by value 2.5, which was workpiece thickness 10 column: δ_(CC-RoMeFo)=(((CC-55)-(RoMeFo-55)) / 2.5mm)⋅100%. Values from column 6 and 8 were subtracted and then divided by value 2.5, which was workpiece thickness 11 column: δ_(TC-RoMeFo)=(((TC-55)-(RoMeFo-55)) / 2.5mm)⋅100%. Values from column 7 and 8 were subtracted and then divided by value 2.5, which was workpiece thickness 12 column: Normal distribution CC-TC, values calculated using mean=-61% (row 366, column 9), Standard deviation=0.712 (row 367, column 9) 13 column: Normal distribution CC-RoMeFo, values calculated using mean=-61% (row 366, column 10), Standard deviation=0.711 (row 367, column 10) 14 column: Normal distribution CC-RoMeFo, values calculated using mean=1% (row 366, column 11), Standard deviation=0.006 (row 367, column 11) *** ***Model do MESV4 RoMeFo V1*** Assembly model of mandrel, roller and workpiece used for generating trajectories with conditions CC and TC. ***


Steps to reproduce

The data presented was produced in two programs, SolidWorks and RoMeFo. The data presented are points coordinating the position of the spinning roller in the spinning process of an axisymmetric product. Sets of spinning tool position points depending on the rotation of the axisymmetric mandrel are presented. The first set of points, referred to by the acronym CC from the words Constant Contact, stands for the set of data that was acquired with the condition of a constant contact zone position. This is a property that occurs in forming products with a circular cross-section. The data set denoted TC is a data set generated with the condition of tangential contact between the roller and the mandrel. The application of this condition takes into account the change in position of the forming zone as a function of mandrel rotation. The points were obtained using sketches and a design study in SolidWorks. The set of RoMeFo points was generated in a programme that automatically generated the position of the spinning roller.


Siec Badawcza Lukasiewicz, Politechnika Lodzka


Metal Forming, Sheet Metal Forming, Metal Spinning


Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju

