Shoreline change on a tropical island beach, Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman: the influence of beachrock and shore protection structures

Published: 8 March 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/zbbfpfcz39.2
Wendy Johnston, Jeremy Olynik, Andrew Cooper


Spatial data to support the article 'Shoreline change on a tropical beach: the influence of beachrock and shore protection structures' that describes historical erosion and the effects of coastal structures and erosion abatement measures for Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. This is largely data that was derived using the ArcGIS extension Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) As the output of the DSAS extension are symbolized feature classes, an ArcGIS layer package (.lpk) is included. There is also a zip file containing other spatial data in shapefile format.

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Steps to reproduce

Shoreline changes were analyzed using ArcGIS Desktop 10.81 and the ArcGIS extension Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) The DSAS input data consisted of both surveyed MHWM contours as well as digitized shorelines from historical aerial photography. As the output of the DSAS extension are symbolized feature classes, an ArcGIS layer package (.lpk) is included. There is also a zip file containing other spatial data in shapefile format.


Coastal Management, Coastal Erosion
