Preclinical evaluation of a precision medicine approach to DNA vaccination in Type 1 diabetes

Published: 24 February 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zbksm23r8k.1


The figures refer to the PNAS paper of the same title. Blood glucose monitoring (Figures 1, 2, 3): Excel file compiling the incidence of diabetes in each group (Fig.1-2) and percentage of proliferated cells in each mouse (Fig.3). Flow cytometry (Figures 4,5): Raw FCS files with explanatory Excel file for file naming and panels Histopathology (Figure 6): Excel file compiling the scoring from two independent investigators, one blinded to the groups, averages per section, per mouse and per group. There are two tissue sections per slide, 3 slides per mouse (total 6 sections per mouse), and 5 mice per group. Image files are ~1Gb each and cannot be uploaded due to capacity limits.


Steps to reproduce

All methods are provided in the PNAS paper of the same title.


Columbia University


Flow Cytometry, Histopathology, Autoimmune Diabetes
