Intermediate temperature fracture resistance of stone matrix asphalt containing untreated recycled concrete aggregate
The database contains over 7182 data points which was developed using data extracted from asphalt laboratories and fracture test methodologies. The bituminous mixtures were designed using natural aggregates (limestone, and filler), recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) and Trinidad Lake Asphalt binder. The asphalt mixtures are gap-graded stone matrix asphalt (SMA). The mixtures were subjected to semi-circular bend (SCB) and single edge notched beam (SENB) tests which were suitable and comparable test methods to evaluate fracture behavior of asphalt mixes. The data was used measured the volumetric properties, Fracture Energy and Fracture toughness of the SMA mixtures.
Steps to reproduce
The asphalt mixtures are gap-graded stone matrix asphalt (SMA) designed with aggregates (limestone, recycled concrete and filler) and TLA 60/75 binder that is classified by its penetration grade. The mixes are categorized as SMA0, SMA10, SMA35 and SMA50 and were based on the blend of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) content (0, 10, 35 and 50% respectively) in the mixtures. The SMA design was conducted utilizing a local modified Marshall Mix design procedure to obtain the optimum binder content (OBC) for the four SMA mix types of varying RCA contents. To evaluate fracture behavior of the mixes, the semi-circular bend (SCB) and single edge notched beam (SENB) tests were employed. To fabricate the SENB samples, each mix type was compacted using a roller compactor to create slab samples. The mold was modified to create slabs of size 300 mm × 300 mm × 50 mm. A wet masonry saw was then used to create small beams from the slab of approximately 25 mm width; the two end beams were discarded. Notches were cut into the beam samples of depth ratios 0.2H (10 mm), 0.3H (15 mm) and 0.4H (20 mm). A 150 mm diameter mold was used to fabricate the Semi-Circular Beam (SCB) test samples. Each batched sample was prepared in accordance with the relevant mix design. The mixture was then placed into the mold and compacted using a gyratory compactor. The extruded and cooled sample was then cut into circular slices of 25 mm thickness. Each cylindrical sample was then further cut into a semi-circle with the ends being discarded. Notch ratios similar to the SENB were cut into the cut side of the semi-circle samples (15 mm, 25.4 mm and 31.8 mm). Notched specimens were placed into the environmental chamber for at least 6 hours to ensure homogenous conditioning of the sample to the testing temperature (5 °C, 15 °C, 25 °C). Each SCB and SENB asphalt mixture specimen was positioned in the testing device with the flat side on two rollers that were covered with a friction reducing material. The samples were then tested. For each test condition, three replicates were employed and the average value was used to calculate the results.