A dataset generated by an integrated ABM-SIR framework for simulating influenza-like pandemics

Published: 8 October 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zcft9p5p4r.1


An integrated ABM (Agent-based model)-SIR framework is developed for simulating the spread of an influenza-like pandemic. The SIR model, in this framework, defines three agent states: Susceptible, Infected, and Recovered. ‘Infection chance’ (the probability of an agent becoming infected after coming into contact with an infected agent), ‘population’ (the total number of agents), and ‘Initial carrier’ (per-cent of agent population, which were infected at the start of the simulation) are the parameters that influenced the pandemic's spread. A set of data points for each variable is formulated, and the model is then simulated for each group of variables to examine how these parameters affect the pandemic spread. The model mentioned above is used to simulate the following five cases: a) The baseline case: the probability of infection, agent population, and initially infected agents are varied. b) Case 1: Only the agent population is varied, keeping the probability of infection constant at 75% c) Case 2: the model is tested for the agent movement between two regions d) Case 3: the movement of agents between two regions is controlled by introducing a parameter, namely ‘mobility_factor.’ e) Case 4: the number of regions in the simulation space is varied, along with three levels of agent interaction—low, medium and high.



Indian Institute of Science, PES University


Influenza, Computer Simulation, Agent-Based Modeling, Epidemiological Dynamics, Flu Pandemic, COVID-19
