Gladkop Suite: Isotope and Geochemical Composition Data
Published: 10 August 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/zcrw3mb77b.2
Ansahmbom Yong NkeDescription
These data have been used to better understand the Gladkop Suite rocks located in the NW Bushmanland Subprovince, particularly with regard to how it relates to the Palaeoproterozoic evolution of this part of the Namaqua Sector and its relationship with the Mesoproterozoic-dominated Bushmanland Subprovince. For more details and interpretation of the data, please refer to A.Y. Nke, R. Bailie, P.H. Macey, R.J. Thomas, D. Frei, P. Le Roux, C.J. Spencer, The 1.8 Ga Gladkop Suite: the youngest Palaeoproterozoic domain in the Namaqua-Natal Metamorphic Province, South Africa, Precambr. Res. In Press.