Panel data of offline sales and air pollution
Published: 17 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zcv6fbzx6m.1
Minya XuDescription
The dataset contains daily offline sales data for facemasks (as a major protective measure against air pollution), throat drops (as a major curative measure for sore throats) and regular candy at local convenience chain stores located in seven cities of China (Urumqi, Xian, Changsha, Fuzhou, Linfen, Zhongshan, and Hengshui). It also contains daily PM2.5 levels from monitoring sites in the seven cities. We also collect product’s daily average price, meteorological factors such astemperature (℃), humidity (%rh), and wind speed (m/s) and weekend variable.
Peking University
Social Sciences