Data for: The influence of cognitive load on susceptibility to audio

Published: 19 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zdnpwz8h8b.1
Remo van der Heiden, Christian Janssen, Leon Kenemans, Stella Donker


This data and scripts can be used to replicate the statistics and graphs. ## Verb_fP3.csv ## This file contains the average activation in microvolt at location FCz for each of the 13 participants for 0, 200, 400 ms ISI and baseline Both the separate data for standard and novel (column fP3) and novel - standard (column MINSTD, only calculated for the NOV conditions) time (column time) refers to the time in ms relative to the oddball probe onset. ## Verb_RT.csv ## This file contains the average reaction time noun onset to speech onset for each of the 13 participants for 0, 200, 400 ms ISI both for standard and novel. Each row contains the data of one participant. ## Verb_fP3_Analysis.R ## This is the script for R statistics ( This script reads Verb_fP3.csv and includes sections that run an ANOVA and generate the plots from the paper



Experimental Psychology
