Audiences’ Influence on Third-Party Punishment Before and After the Maintenance of Fair Norms

Published: 25 May 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zdntzb66z6.1
Dexin Ma


The data's aim is to explore the influence of audience and norms on Third-Party Punishment. The software used for the experiments was E-prime2. the data processing software was R-studio. the data contained the original eprime experimental data files, the R data files and the R data processing files.


Steps to reproduce

The experiment was started by randomly dividing 90 subjects into 3 groups and arranging 3 intergroup experimental conditions. The 3 experimental treatments were as follows: Nobody Present (during the experiment, there was only subject in the room); Others Present (during the experiment, there were others present in the room doing other things); and Others Observing (during the experiment, a person would be set up to watch the subject's experiment). To increase the motivation and realism of subjects' participation. Upon entering the experiment, subjects will be falsely told to play a series of online economics games with other real people, and each round of the game will be assigned 100 or 50 experimental tokens(G) to the participants, which the subjects are free to allocate according to the rules. In addition to the payoff, subjects are given the opportunity (one tenth) to receive a bonus on a ratio of the total number of tokens retained in the experiment (bonus : tokens = 1 : 100). However, the other participants who appear in the experiment and the decisions they make are artificially designed by us. We classify A's allocation plan into two types, one for high inequity and one for medium-low inequity. The experimental procedure was as follows: First, the subjects performed a practice experiment with one round of the Dictator Game and one round of Third-Party Game, then 3 rounds of the Dictator Games and 10 rounds of the Third-Party Games, respectively. The file third.ebs2 in Raw Data Files is the design of the experiment.


China West Normal University


Student, College
