Data for: Undergraduate Students' Motivation to Learn and Attitudes toward English in Multilingual Pakistan: A look at shifts in English as a World Language

Published: 15 March 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zf9xb7r5vk.1


Uploaded are three items: A Codebook (.pdf), generated from SPSS that lists the variables and descriptions of the variables. A Comma-separated Values (.cvs) file that contains the data. The top row are the variables listed in the Codebook. The SPSS file with the data, from which the Codebook and the .cvs files were created. Abstract of the study based on these data: In this study, we investigated EFL undergraduate students’ motivation to learn English in the context of Pakistan using Dörnyei’s (2009) L2 Motivational Self System as the theoretical framework. We investigated the attitudes of the participants about the status of English as the official language of Pakistan and as the medium of competitive examinations. The participants of this study were undergraduate students in three public universities in Pakistan. We employed mixed methods. The first author collected the data by using a 54-item structured questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, and analyzed the data using descriptive as well as inferential statistics. The interview data was analyzed by thematic analysis. The findings suggest that the participants reported Attitudes to Learning English, Ought-to L2 self, International Posture, Instrumentality-promotion, Milieu, Ideal L2 Self, and Instrumentality-prevention as the most important motivational factors for learning English in Pakistan. The results also indicate that Dörnyei’s (2009) L2 Motivational Self System is valid in the EFL context of Pakistan. The participants also mostly favored English as the official language of Pakistan and as the medium of competitive examinations.



Applied Linguistics
