Dataset for Assessing the intrapore volume and surface area of single corn kernel using CT scan imaging and machine vision

Published: 30 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zg3zpt6ydf.1


Corn kernel intrapores were counted and analyzed using CT scan images and machine vision method using a developed ImageJ plugin. The uploaded file is an R program that contained the data and data visualization code that produce the facet-grid output with mean statistics. The data include Section, Location (based on region of interest; ROI), Particles, SumArea, SumPeri, AvgXCen, AvgYCen, AvgFeret, AvgAspectRatio, AvgCircularity, AvgRoundness, and AvgSolidity of the pores, evaluated for the top ROI, bottom ROI, and total ROI, as well as, the whole kernel. The data in the R code can be easily extracted and used in any spreadsheet program.


Steps to reproduce

Will be made available when the paper is published.


North Dakota State University Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering


Machine Vision, Image Analysis of Food, Image Processing in Food Engineering
