Data for : Impact of Contextual and Personal Determinants on Online Social Conformity

Published: 15 April 2019| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/zgd49smpm6.3
Senuri Wijenayake, Niels van Berkel, Vassilis Kostakos, Jorge Goncalves


In our work, we investigate the impact of contextual determinants (such as majority group size, the number of opposing minorities and their sizes, and the nature of the task) and personal determinants (such as self-confidence, personality and gender) on online social conformity. In order to achieve this, we deployed an online quiz with subjective and objective multiple-choice questions. For each question, participants provided their answer and self-reported confidence. Following this, they were shown a fabricated bar chart that positioned the participant either in the majority or minority, presenting the distribution of group answers across different answer options. Each question tested a unique group distribution in terms of the number of minorities against the majority and their corresponding group sizes. Subsequently, participants were given the opportunity to change their answer and reported confidence. Upon completing the quiz, participants undertook a personality test and participated in a semi-structured interview. We provide the preprocessed data set collected through the online quiz and the Big-5 personality test along with this article for your reference.



Computer Science
