Data for: Decline of multi-thread gravel-bed rivers in medium-high mountain settings: quantitave analysis and possible solutions
Research data for ‘Degradation of multi-thread gravel-bed rivers in medium-high mountain settings: quantitave analysis and possible solutions’, authors: Václav Škarpich, Tereza Macurová, Tomáš Galia, Stanislav Ruman, Jan Hradecký Table S1 contains data about calculated volumes of eroded/aggraded material of individual segments in the studied river reach of the Morávka River channel in the monitored one-year periods from 2006 to 2015. These data were used for sediment deficit calculation in the Morávka R. Table S2 contains data about altitude of the lowest bed level points which were used to analysis of significant bed level changes between 9.687 – 10.536 r. km of the Morávka River channel in individual years 2006-2015. Table S3 contains data of modelled bedload transport and transport stage during the cumulative frequencies of occurred discharges for the studied cross sections (MOR1-3) over 9.73 r. km of the Morávka River channel for the scenario of the state with successive vegetation cover on gravel bars. Table S4 contains data of modelled bedload transport and transport stage during the cumulative frequencies of occurred discharges for the studied cross sections (MOR1-3) over 9.73 r. km of the Morávka River channel for the hypothetical scenario of the floodplain without successive vegetation cover, which reflected the situation after significant flood events. Table S5 contains a 25-year (1991–2016) long series of mean daily discharges obtained from the Vyšní Lhoty gauging station of the Morávka River (data provided by Povodí Odry State Enterprise). Table S6 contains an annual maximum discharge in the years 1954–2015 of the Morávka R. at the Vyšní Lhoty gauging station