Pandemic Effects on Rural Bangladeshi Students' Lifestyle and Learning
This dataset, consisting of 700 samples, captures the experiences, well-being, and educational challenges faced by students in rural Bangladesh during the COVID-19 pandemic. It surveys various aspects of student life, including personal interests, academic focus, access to learning resources, and emotional responses during the pandemic. This data provides insights into how the pandemic affected students' academic performance, mental health, family dynamics, and lifestyle in rural areas. Column Descriptions: Timestamp: Date and time of response; Data Type: Datetime Name (নাম): Respondent's name; example: Meherajul Islam, Data Type: Categorical Age (বয়স): Respondent's age in years; example: 16, Data Type: Numeric Gender (লিঙ্গ): Respondent's gender; example: Male, Data Type: Categorical Which class are you in? (তুমি কোন শ্রেণীতে পড়?): Current class grade; example: 10, Data Type: Numeric District (জেলা): Home district of respondent; example: Chandpur, Data Type: Categorical Personal Interest (তুমি কি করতে পছন্দ করো?): Preferred activity; example: Playing outside, Data Type: Categorical Can you acquire it now? (তুমি কি এখন করতে পারতেছ?): Whether the interest can currently be pursued; example: No, Data Type: Categorical Want to go out despite health risk? (করোনা থাকা সত্ত্বেও বাইরে যেতে চাও?): Willingness to go outside despite health risks; example: No, Data Type: Categorical Pandemic hampers study? (পড়াশোনার ক্ষতি করছে?): If COVID-19 affected studies; example: Yes, Data Type: Categorical Concentrate like before? (মনোযোগ দিতে পারতেছ?): Ability to focus on studies as before; example: No, Data Type: Categorical Aware of Sangsad TV classes? (অনলাইন ক্লাসের ব্যাপারে জানো?): Awareness of Sangsad TV online classes; example: Yes, Data Type: Categorical Participating in Sangsad TV classes? (অনলাইন ক্লাসে অংশগ্রহণ করো?): Participation in Sangsad TV classes; example: No, Data Type: Categorical Can have favorite foods now? (প্রিয় খাবার পাচ্ছ?): Availability of favorite foods; example: No, Data Type: Categorical Anger due to restricted activities? (প্রিয় কাজ করতে না দিলে রাগ?): Feeling of frustration due to restrictions; example: Yes, Data Type: Categorical More scolded by parents? (বাবা-মা বেশি বকাঝকা করে?): If scolded more often by parents; example: Sometimes, Data Type: Categorical More family time due to pandemic? (পরিবারের সাথে সময় বেশি?): Whether the pandemic increased family time; example: Yes, Data Type: Categorical Visited relatives' homes (relative_house): Visits to relatives' homes; example: No, Data Type: Categorical Miss school friend hangouts? (স্কুলের বন্ধুদের মিস করছো?): Missing hangouts with friends; example: Yes, Data Type: Categorical Target: This column indicates the overall impact of the pandemic on the student’s well-being and activities. Categories include Full, Partial, and None. *The dataset was utilized in this study: (DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v12i5.pp5501-5510)