Simulation of bar with a straightness defect crossing a cylindrical guidance tool using the hybrid elerian lagrangian (HEL) formalism
This data set presents the hybrid eulerian-lagrangian (HEL) formalism in finite element modelling. It consists of coupling steady state (eulerian) and time depending (lagrangian) phenomena, that occur in material flow, using Arlequin method. Each type of phenomenon is represented by an appropriate mesh. In this dataset it is exposed how HEL can be useful for long and flat product fabrication. Contact areas with tools have steady state aspect. Outside, structural instabilities inducing geometrical defects are time depending. In this context HEL offers the opportunity to model material drawing in contact with three or two dimensional eulerian elements and structural behavior outside with lagrangian (improved with ALE formalism) shell or beam elements. The animation in the dataset presents a representative two-dimensional case of circular cross-sectional steel bar passing through guidance tool. Inside contact with tool two dimensional mesh with quadrilateral linear elements is used (20x3 elements). Structural behavior (straightness) is characterized by mesh with quadratic beam elements (30 elements). At eulerian mesh extremities, incoming and outgoing velocities (identical and equal to 1000mm/s) are imposed at inlet and outlet of contact area (eulerian mesh) which makes lagrangian mesh transported from upstream to downstream. Contact is replaced by blocking vertical velocities in the upper and lower surfaces in the eulerian mesh. Upstream and downstream extremities of the beam are fixed (vertical velocity and displacement are blocked to stabilize the structure). A case with incoming defect is presented.