International Collaboration and Rapid Harmonization across Dermatologic COVID-19 Registries: Supplemental Appendix
Published: 12 June 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/zh6bw88xhc.2
Esther Freeman, Devon McMahon, George Hruza, Alan Irvine, Phyllis Spuls, Catherine Smith, Satveer Mahil, Leslie Castleo-Soccio, Kelly Cordoro, Irene Lara-Corrales , Haley Naik, Raed Alhusayen, John Ingram, Steven Feldman, Esther Balogh, Michael Kappelman , Dmitri Wall, Nekma Meah, Rodney Sinclair, Marie Beylot-Barry , Matthew Fitzgerald, Lars French, Henry Lim, Christopher Griffiths, Carsten FlohrDescription
Supplemental Appendix for "International Collaboration and Rapid Harmonization across Dermatologic COVID-19 Registries"
Dermatology, International Communication, Patient Registry, COVID-19