Angular Disparity of Isomorphic 2D and 3D Objects: Exploring Saccadic Characteristics in Mental Rotation

Published: 14 December 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zhmbx3v6zd.1
Premjit Khanganba Sanjram


1. Main file folder “Data Set” has three sub-folders naming- a) Eye-tracking data b) Game performance data c) NASA TLX data 2. Each sub-folder has further four sub-folders representing four groups’ with 30 samples in each, i.e. a) CA, i.e., convex angular disparity) b) RA, i.e., reflex angular disparity) c) 2D, i.e., two-dimensional objects) d) 3D, i.e., three-dimensional objects) ● CA: contains the data recorded during the MR computer-game with the objects with convex angular disparity. ● RA: contains the data recorded during the MR computer-game with the objects with reflex angular disparity. ● 2D: contains the data recorded during the MR computer-game with the two-dimensional objects. ● 3D: contains the data recorded during the MR computer-game with the three-dimensional objects. 2. Used software and instruments: Software: A) Unity3D Game Engine B) Blender Python API C) Tobii Studio (version 3.3.2) D) NASA TLX (version 1.0.1) E) MATLAB®️ (MathWorks, USA) (version: 2010b) F) SPSS®️ (IBM Corporation, USA) (Version 22, 2013) Instrument: Tobii TX 300, Stim Tracker, Acquisition computer.


Steps to reproduce

The computer-based Mental Rotation (MR) gaming task was designed using the Unity 3D game engine. 2D and 3D multi-arms objects were designed using Blender’s Python API and utilized to create an MR gaming environment. Based on the angular disparity (angle difference between two objects) and dimensionality of the objects presented, the complete game was divided into four sections: i. 2D objects with convex angular disparities (CA_2D) ii. 3D objects with convex angular disparities (CA_3D) iii. 2D objects with reflex angular disparities (RA_2D) iv. 3D objects with reflex angular disparities (RA_3D) In this study, we collected three types of datasets— gaze behavior, task performance, and NASA-TLX. 1. The experiment was conducted in an isolated and noise-free environment to avoid any noise and distraction. 2. Experimental room was properly sanitized before welcoming the participant. 3. Participants were asked to remove all the belongings and keep it safely in a locker shelf, which was kept outside the experimental room. 4. Sanitization was done with participants as well as experimenters. 5. Before starting the session, participants were brought to the “Initiation room” to give a brief about the pre- and post-experimental instructions. 6. Participants were asked to fill the log file with required details and sign the ‘consent form’ to give permission for their volunteering participation in the study. 7. The participants were assigned the group of experimental tasks according to the randomized sequence. 8. The participants were asked to go in the experimental room, and the ongoing experiment ‘Indication light’ of the experimental room was switched “ON”. 9. The participants were seated on a comfortable chair facing towards the monitor and ~65 cm apart from the eye-tracker. 10. The eye-tracker calibration with every participant was done at the beginning of the gaming session. 11. After the eye-tracker calibration, a trial session was done before the execution of actual game play. 12. After the training session, the participant started to execute the actual gaming-task. 13. All the experimental system belongings from the participant were removed after data recording. 14. Participants were asked to fill the post experimental questionnaires (NASA TLX) and probing questions. 15. After the session completion, the ongoing experiment ‘Indication light’ was switched off. 16. Participants were given a t-shirt as a token of thanks for their participation in the study. 17. All the submitted belongings of the participants were returned back to them. 18. Before starting the next session with another participant, there was around 40 minutes of time gap in order to make sure the sanitization of the experimental room as well as experimental set-up.


Indian Institute of Technology Indore


Cognition, Cognitive Ergonomics, Human Cognition, Attentional Workload
