HatchFrac: a fast open-source DFN modeling software in a C++ environment
HatchFrac is an efficient DFN modelling software in a C++ environment; The software is not commercial but a part of my PhD research to investigate the properties of discrete fracture networks. The code is not in a user-friendly shape since its primary purpose is to solve the scientific problems of DFNs, and I am not a professional programmer. Professional programmers are welcome to contact me and help me optimize the code or commercialize the software if possible. ***************************************************************************************************************************** In the folders "2DFractureNetworks" and "3DFractureNetworks", we provide parts of the software to generate 2D and 3D fracture networks and mimic the fracture growth process; In the folders "Finalized_2D_Code" and "Finalized_3D_Code", we provide all functions of the software used in my PhD thesis. You may read my PhD thesis first to have a general knowledge of my work during my PhD period and then try the code. ***************************************************************************************************************************** The code is written in Visual Studio 2017, and it can be successfully compiled in this version of Visual Studio. If you have the latest version of Visual Studio, you may encounter some difficulties in compiling the code. ***************************************************************************************************************************** In the code, some functions from the Eigen library are used, so you need to include the Eigen folders in the project. You can find detailed information about Eigen with the link: https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page ***************************************************************************************************************************** Simply run the "MainCode.cpp" and activate the corresponding lines of code in Visual Studio 2017 (in "Release x64" mode) for different projects. You can find the generated data in different folders; I also provide a simple Matlab code for you to visualize your result, which can be found in the "Fracture_Data" folder and "FractureGrowth_Data" folder; If you have any questions, please contact me via e-mail: weiwei.zhu@kaust.edu.sa or jacnil@yeah.net.