MARHYD: Magdalena River Hidrodynamic model in Delft3D. Results of Case 1 (salinity and water level)
This database contains output files of MARHYD: the MAgdalena River HYdrodynamic model in Delft3D. Model description: The model domain of MARHYD extends from coordinates 10.9619 °N to 11.2669° N and from 74.7571 °W to 74.8784 °W. This domain includes the last 22 km of the river and estuary before discharging into the Caribbean Sea and 63 km by 37 km of the surrounding coastal region in east-west and north-south directions. In oceanic waters, the model is rectangular, configured on a 150 m x 150 m horizontal resolution near the open boundaries, with a gradual refinement to 50 m x 50 m near the river mouth. In the river and estuary, the model is curvilinear, with 10 horizontal cells in the transversal section, reaching a variable size between 40 m to 100 m. 40 Z-layers represent the water column with a higher resolution close to the surface. Layers of approximately 0.5 m cover the upper 10 m of the water columns, where most of the mixing processes between the river and the ocean occur. The vertical resolution reduces progressively from 10 m depth to the bottom. The boundary conditions of salinity and currents with the Caribbean Sea (at the North, East, and West) were obtained from HYCOM + NODA reanalysis every 6 hours, and wind velocity was obtained from CFSR-NCEP/NCAR reanalysis every 1 hour for the wind stress. The bathymetry was derived from GEBCO, Nautical charts of the Maritime Directorate of Colombia (DIMAR), and high-resolution in-situ measurements. River discharge data were obtained from the nearest upstream hydrological station of the Magdalena River. The model was calibrated and validated using field data of salinity profiles along the river estuary and plume, velocity measurements in the river and estuary, and water level in the estuary for two climatic seasons. Description of simulation case: Case 1 corresponds to a low-discharge scenario with Q = 3400 m^3/s, equivalent to the 10th percentile of the historical freshwater flow. Water currents, salinity and water level in the open boundaries correspond to the time-average of HYCOM Reanalysis database for the days between 9 and 29 of November of 2017. Winds are constant with a speed of 10.5 m/s from the Northeast. The full set of input (configuration) files of this simulation can be found in the dataset: Álvarez-Silva, Óscar; Barros, Yennis ; Saavedra, Victor; Cardona, Yuley; Cáceres-Euse, Alejandro; Osorio, Andres F.; Arbeláez, Felipe (2021), “MARHYD: Magdalena River Hydrodynamic model in Delft3D. Inputs of Cases 1 and 2”, Mendeley Data, V2, doi: 10.17632/hmhdvg47kg.2 Files description: This dataset includes the salinity and water level results for the entire computational domain, every 8 hours, during 20 days of simulation. The data is in .nc format. Results of water velocity for this simulation case are available in the database: MARHYD: Magdalena River Hydrodynamic model in Delft3D. Results of Case 1 (water velocity), doi: 10.17632/vxs52f7fcd.2