Data for: Additively manufactured three-dimensional lightweight cellular solids: experimental and numerical analysis

Published: 23 January 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zhygf2vdsr.1
Marco Pérez,


A dataset for the publication: Additively manufactured three-dimensional lightweight cellular solids: experimental and numerical analysis Albert Forés-Garriga, Giovanni Gómez-Gras, Marco A. Pérez* Materials and Design, 2023 One of the research fields in which additive manufacturing has made relevant progress is the development and fabrication of cellular solids. These bio-inspired structures are formed by a complex interconnected network of solid struts or shells that cover the space while considerably reducing the weight of the components. Accordingly, this work presents comprehensive research on the mechanical performance of fused deposition modeling three-dimensional lightweight cellular solids, including open-cell and closed-cell patterns with different cell sizes and infill densities. Moreover, two validated strategies for simulating the elastic behavior of cellular solids are investigated, comparing their accuracy and computational requirements. Furthermore, the paper provides experimental evidence on the differences over two-dimensional designs in terms of stiffness and strength while attending to manufacturing aspects such as printing time, proving that the elastic modulus, the compression strength, and the energy absorption efficiency are significantly superior to that obtained by two-dimensional patterns for an equivalent relative density. Furthermore, results prove that controlling engineering parameters allows producing lightweight structures with a wide range of specific stiffness and strength. Finally, experimental evidence states that the Shell-TPMS designs proved to be the most efficient cellular pattern, followed by the Skeletal-TPMS and the lattice configurations. This dataset contains: STL Files: Bending Tests: 200x20x20 mm 3D-CAD geometry of the two and three-dimensional designs, Hexachiral and Diamond respectively, employed in the validation test of the study, ready for manufacturing or simulating. Compression Tests: 40x40x40 mm 3D-CAD geometry of each three-dimensional design considered in the study, ready for manufacturing or simulating. Test Files: Bending Tests: Stress vs Strain data of the experimental bending tests conducted with the two and three-dimensional designs, Hexachiral and Diamond respectively. Compression Tests: Solid Specimens: Load vs displacement data of the experimental compression tests conducted with Solid ±45º Infill specimens. Sparse Specimens: Load vs displacement data of the experimental compression tests conducted with Sparse 0.25 mm Infill specimens.



Universitat Ramon Llull


Mechanical Engineering, Polymer, Mechanical Property, Three Dimensional Printing, Density, Cellular Material, Fused Deposition Modeling, Advanced Manufacturing
