Data Analysis for the Impact of Open Data on Human Capital Development - 2020 Dataset

Published: 16 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zj3rssz5d7.1
Tosin Ekundayo


This study examines the relationship between the availability and quality of open data (OD) and the development of human capital, as defined by the Human Development Index (HDI), in Asia and Africa. Guided by two hypotheses, the research finds a significant positive relationship between OD and HDI supporting H₁: that open data availability and quality positively correlate with human capital development. However, the relationship in Africa, with an R-squared value of only 0.06, confirms H₂: that there is a variation in this relationship across different global regions. These findings highlight the role of open data in enhancing human capital and the importance of region-specific strategies. The results have wide-reaching implications for governance, technology, education, and international development, emphasizing open data as a pivotal tool for human capital advancement. Further research is encouraged to explore the nuanced interplay of factors influencing these relationships in different cultural and economic contexts.



Arden University Ltd, Synergy University - Dubai Campus


Human Capital, Open Data
