This study aimed to identify latent classes based on the characteristics of the neighborhood environment perceived by adolescents and their association with sex, socioeconomic status, body composition and movement behaviors. The file presents information related to the characteristics of the neighborhood environment are derived from the Neighborhood Walkability for Youth Scale (NEWS-Y), which were used in the LCA model to create latent classes about the adolescents' neighborhood environment. It also presents information regarding movement behaviors (physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep) derived from accelerometry data; screen times and total sitting time information obtained by questionnaires. In addition to sociodemographic information (age, sex, socioeconomic status) and body composition. From the neighborhood data it was possible to find an LCA model with three classes were recognized: class 1, "Best Perceived Environment"; class 2, "Moderate Perceived Environment" and "Worst Perceived Environment". Then, the associations of the latent classes found with the variables measured and described above were tested. The results demonstrate that only Light physical activity, total sitting time, and socioeconomic status were associated with class prevalence. The findings highlight the influence of neighborhood classes on adolescents' Light physical activity and total sitting time.