Data for: Core Temperature Modelling and Monitoring of Lithium-ion Battery in the Presence of Sensor Bias

Published: 26 April 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/zjhhgpnb4n.2
Li Sun


1) This supplementary file is the simulation program for the Applied Energy submission "Core Temperature Modelling and Monitoring of Lithium-ion Battery in the Presence of Sensor Bias"; 2) The simulation file can run well under the Environment of MATLAB R2018b 3)The system identifcation of nonliear model is in "MOGA_coefficient_with_radiator.m" 3) By executing the following commands, >> UKF_temp() >> EUKF_temp_bias() One can directly get the results shown in Fig. 8. For other figures in Section 3, the codes should be accordingly modifed. 4) MATLAB is a registered trademark is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.



