Sanger sequences for “Recent discovery of Amaranthus palmeri in Italy: characterization of ALS-resistant populations and sensitivity to alternative herbicides”
This repository contains all the electropherograms (ABI format chromatogram file, ab1) obtained by Sanger sequencing carried out for the paper entitled “Recent discovery of Amaranthus palmeri (Amaranthaceae) in Italy: characterization of ALS-resistant populations and sensitivity to alternative herbicides”. Three A. palmeri (Palmer Amaranth) populations were found in soybean fields in Italy, were ALS-resistance was suspected. Bioassay test revealed that all the three populations were cross-resistant to thifensulfuron-methyl and imazamox, due to a point mutation at position 574 of ALS. DNA of 15 plants per population, survived to the field dose of thifensulfuron-methyl, was extracted and primers AMA-2F (5’-TCCCGGTTAAAATCATGCTC-3’ / AMA-2R (5’-CTTCTTCCATCACCCTCTGT-3’) were used to amplify the region surrounding the position 574. Amplicons were purified and primers AMA-2R was used for Sanger sequencing. In order to facilitate data interpretation, the sequences have been renamed as: Population-code_plant#_CODONS CODONS might be W for tryptophan (wild type) and L for leucine (mutated). WL refers to heterozygous genotypes. Population codes are the same used in the paper. Sequences should be reverse complemented.