COVID-19 Dataset
This a data about the corona virus COVID-19. It contains the actual reported data. Also, it includes the predicted COVID-19 data in the future based on a model developed to predict in the future. The model used will be published in one of the journals later and will be found on my profile with title "Optimistic Prediction Model For the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic based on the Reported Data Analysis". The daily folder contains the daily data. The predicted folder contains the predicted data for each country. The total cases folder contains the total cases for each country. he section folder contains a latex code for plotting the figures for each country. Also the source file from European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control is included. More updated files available in the website of European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
Steps to reproduce
The data source is a sheet file n MS XLS format produced by European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Java is used to get text files of the data. The plots are generated using LaTeX PDFLATEX engine. Prediction model using Java is applied on the data to generate the expected future data of the COVID-19.