iLand Species Parameters

Published: 12 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zkwn8k88k5.1
Dominik Thom


• Tree species parameters were obtained and harmonized from all iLand user groups across three continents and seven countries (Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Belgium, Canada, USA, and Japan). The dataset encompasses a total of 8,348 entries for 67 parameters of 135 species and provenances. The dataset entails parameters determining the growth, survival, and regeneration of tree species as well as parameters on the carbon and nitrogen dynamics. • A second database includes and the response to wind regimes. This database includes a total of 503 entries for five parameters of 105 species and provenances.


Steps to reproduce

The steps for reproduction include the compiling an initial set of parameters (i.e., the ground parameterization without calibration), followed by an iterative process of calibration and evaluation.


Technische Universitat Munchen


Parameter Identification, Species Tree, Parameter Estimation
