Matlab scripts implementing the Nested Sampling algorithm for the estimation of the mechanical property distribution of solids starting from limited and noisy experimental measurements
BaesianIdentificationParL.m is the main script SurfacePoints.m function to be mexed (see the first lines for instructions) Solve2DTriaModelLin.m function to be mexed (see the first lines for instructions) BaesianIdentificationNSp_trg04 data file with the reference data, domain BaesianIdentificationNSp_trg04Ex10a_uniax.mat data file with the reference data, 10% error BaesianIdentificationNSp_trg04Exinf_uniax data file with the reference data, 0% error
Steps to reproduce
pass non default parameters in a structure as follow (copy and paste these lines in the same directory where the script and the reference data files are): BaesianIdentificationParL(struct('NSp_trl', 6, 'p_trl', 0, 'id_nmeas', 69, ... 'sTrgtFileName', 'BaesianIdentificationNSp_trg04Ex10a_uniax.mat', ... 'nCores', 16, 'stopat', 43200), 'nCores16Exp10ap_trl0')