Stem-loop induced ribosome queuing in the uORF2/ATF4 overlap fine-tunes stress induced human ATF4 translational control
Published: 14 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zmdvhwggg8.1
Anna SmirnovaDescription
First original Western Blot image named 2023-10-30-084453-image1-sub5-As-Captured is the image used for the Supplementary Figure S1B comparison of ATF4 HA tag and ATF4 endogenous (lines 2,3,4 were excluded and were not used in the final version for the article). Second original Western Blot image named 2024-01-05-092835-image1-sub8-As-Captured is the image used for the Supplementary Figure S1C about comparison of EV (empty vector), ATF4-HA tag wt plasmid and turbofect (from this image the membrane-of-our-interest is the upper one, and only the first 4 lines are target ones and they were used for the article).
Mikrobiologicky ustav Akademie ved Ceske republiky
Western Blot