Saturation, swelling pressure, permeability and porosity data of a Bavarian bentonite, Friedland clay and Opalinus clay from percolation experiments at 35 °C - 150 °C
The given research data comprise results of percolation experiments with the Bavarian bentonite Calcigel (B25), Friedland clay (FRT) and Opalinus clay (OPA) at temperatures between 35 °C and 150 °C. Particularly, the final degree of saturation, the swelling pressure evolution, liquid permeability and porosity (MIP) were measured and are provided in the given data sheets. The results, except the MIP data, were obtained at the GRS gGmbH (Braunschweig, Germany) in the frames of the research project "Thermische Integrität von Ton und Tonsteinen - Experiment und gekoppelte THMC-Simulationen" (THMC-Sim) carried out by Dr Artur Meleshyn and Dr Matthias Hinze and funded (grant number 45185358) by the Site Selection Division of the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (represented by Head of Department Safety Investigations PD Dr Wolfram Rühaak, project support Merle Bjorge). The MIP data were obtained by Dr Neven Ukrainczyk and Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Yvette Schales at the Institute of Construction and Building Materials of the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany) and provided to GRS gGmbH by Dr Lan Nguyen-Thanh within the framework of the sub-contract ‘Analysen_THMC-Sim’ (order number 3573 – 45185358 – AN430020). These data were used by Artur Meleshyn, Matthias Hinze, Marvin Middelhoff, Larissa Friedenberg, and Kyra Jantschik to prepare the scientific report "Thermische Integrität von Ton und Tonsteinen - Experiment und gekoppelte THMC-Simulationen (THMC-Sim)", which provides a detailed account of the experimental concept and derivation of data. The report can be downloaded from
Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH