Detection of the knee point in lithium-ion battery

Published: 13 August 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/zn82y35zr8.3
Hyunjae Kim,


The dataset used in our study consists of 60 commercial lithium-ion batteries cycled under various operating conditions. These high-power NCA/Gr-Si cylindrical cells, manufactured by Samsung SDI (INR 18650-30Q), were cycled using vertical cylindrical fixtures on a battery cycler (CRC 05-10, Wonik PNE, South Korea) in a temperature-controlled chamber. The cells have a nominal capacity of 3 Ah and a nominal voltage of 3.6V. The voltage-cutoffs (2.5 V and 4.2 V, corresponding to 0%−100% SOC) adopted in this work were based on the manufacturer’s manual. 1st cycle aging test (SOH100→SOH80) under various operating conditions The cells were cycled under nine different operating conditions. The operating conditions were differentiated based on chamber temperature, (dis)charging cut-off voltages, and charging rates, while the discharge was identically conducted at 1C constant current (CC). The chambers were set to four different temperatures: 10 °C, 25 °C, 45 °C, and 60 °C. Within each temperature, the tests were further subdivided based on charging C-rate into low C-rate (0.5C and 1C) and high C-rate (3C) conditions. For 45 °C and 60 °C conditions, further subdivisions with regard to charging rate were not conducted. At every 50 to 100 cycles, including BOL and EOL, every cell was subjected to the reference performance test (RPT) to measure SOH and kinetic properties (1C capacity and DCIR). The cycles lasted until the SOH reached SOH80. Especially, additional 1/30C (dis)charging cycles were conducted at EOL. Second cycle life test (SOH80→SOH60) after the EOL all the 60 cells were subjected to an additional cycling test with an identical cycling protocol (0.5C CC with CV of 0.25C cut-off for charge and 0.5C CC for discharge, 2.5 V−4.2 V) at 25°C, and the capacity of 0.2C−0.2C cycle was checked every 50 cycles. The cycles lasted until the SOH reached SOH60.


Steps to reproduce

The dataset is divided into four types; RPT data, Cycle data, After SOH80 data, and Processed features data . Every data of each cell is available as a CSV file. RPT Data  Folders named after each cell contain RPT CSV files corresponding to that cell.  Each folder consists of RPT data files named as ‘#.csv’ (# = integer, the order of the measured RPTs started from 0).  The RPTs were conducted periodically between cycles, and 0.csv represents the RPT file measured at the BOL (Beginning of Life) before the cycling process.  The RPT file with the highest number (#) in the filename represents the RPT file measured at EOL (End of Life), after the completion of the cycling process.  The RPT consists of a total of 31 cycles (as indicated by the TotCycle column in the CSV file).  1 cycle: rest for adjusting chamber temperature  2~3 cycle: two 0.2C−0.2C cycle  4~5 cycle: two 1C−0.2C cycles  6 cycle: fully discharging  7~17 cycle: Charging GITT cycles  18~28 cycle: Discharging GITT cycles  19 cycle: fully discharging  30~31 cycle: two identical DCIR pulse at SOC50 0.033C RPT Data  1/30C (=0.033C) RPT CSV files contain slow-rate (1/30C or 0.033C) cycle data conducted at EOL for accurate degradation mode analysis.  The 0.033C cycle CSV file consists of 3 cycles (as indicated by the TotCycle column in the CSV). 1) 1 cycle: rest for adjusting chamber temperature 2) 2 cycle: 0.1C−0.1C cycle 3) 3 cycle: 0.033C−0.033C cycle Cycle Data  Folders named after each cell contain Cycle CSV files corresponding to that cell.  Each folder consists of Cycle data files named as ‘CYC # (start cycle number) ~ # (end cycle number) operating condition.csv’.  Every cycle file starts with a rest cycle for adjusting chamber temperature. After SOH80 Data  Consists of CSV files named after each corresponding cell.  Every cycle file starts with rest cycle for adjusting chamber temperature.  Two 0.2C−0.2C cycles were conducted at intervals of every 50 cycles and the second cycle was used to check the State of Health (SOH).  Cycling protocol: 0.5C CC with CV of 0.25C cut-off for charge and 0.5C CC for discharge, 2.5 V−4.2 V


Seoul National University


Battery Management System, Lithium Ion Battery
