Data Vignettes for the Application of Response Surface Models in Drug Combination Analysis

Published: 17 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/znpbzzvb7t.1


This dataset contains the data used in Twarog et al., Drug Discovery Today, 2021 to examine the robustness and utility of response surface models in drug combination analysis. It includes simulated experimental data for the evaluation of traditional index methods, as well as a processed library of interaction metrics evaluated on the Merck OncoPolyPharmacology Screen (O’Neil et al., 2016), the scripts used to implement those metrics on all tested combinations in that screen, and scripts to evaluate the performance of those metrics in comparison with real-world mechanistic classifications. Finally, the dataset includes data from several published and unpublished drug combination experiments, and scripts which allow the analyses of those experiments to be replicated and applied to new data.


Steps to reproduce

See the accompanying Data In Brief article.


Pharmacology, Computational Biology
