Data for: Developing a Nitrogen load Apportionment Tool (NAT): theory and application

Published: 1 October 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zpk56mc7xt.1
Anna Maria De Girolamo, Marinella Spanò, Ersilia DAmbrosio, Giovanni Francesco Ricci, Francesco Gentile


Supplementary Table S1 contains the data and the computations of each term used in the Nitrogen Soil System Budget at the basin scale in the Canale D'Aiedda Basin (SE, Italy). Supplementary Table S2 contains the data and the computations of the TN riverine export. Supplementary Table S3 contains the data and the computations of the TN leaching and runoff factors. Supplementary Table S4 contains the data and the computations of the TN leaching and runoff fractions. Supplementary Table S5 contains the data and the computations of the TN in surface waters from Point Sources. Supplementary Table S6 contains the data and the computations of the NNAT (TN naturally present in surface waters) Supplementary Table S7 contains the data and the computations of the calibration of the TN leaching and runoff export coefficients.



River Basin, Modelling, Nitrogen Cycle
