Acousto-Optic Dispersive Delay Line programmer via Dispersive Fourier Synthesis (AODDL_DFS)

Published: 16 June 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/zpr89hpv6g.2
Konstantin Yushkov


Acousto-Optic Dispersive Delay Line programmer via Dispersive Fourier Synthesis (AODDL_DFS) is a MATLAB script generating RF waveforms for ultrafast laser pulse shaping using an Acosuto-Optic Dispersive Delay Line (AODDL). The script creates sampled RF waveforms to be uploaded to the arbitrary waveform generator (AWG). AODDL_DFS features generation of broadband transmission functions of the AODDL with multiple programmable stopbands in the transmission window. Two alternative algorithms for waveform generation are implemented: Dispersive Fourier Synthesis (DFS) for explicit waveform calculation and the Gerchberg-Saxton (GS) algorithm for iterative computing the waveform with linear frequency modulation. Preset transmission functions include single and multiple binary rejection bands, triangular and cosine-shaped modulation, and PRBS spectral modulation.


Steps to reproduce

AODDL_DFS script generates broadband RF waveforms with given duartion for feeding an AODDL. For details of the algorithm see: K.B. Yushkov. "Acousto-optic programmable filters and the sampling theorem" Proc. SPIE, vol. 11210, p. 1121008, 2019 ( An AWG is required as a driver for the AODDL. The script excludes AWG settings and waveform upload functions, which are available from the hardware manufacturer. The main MATLAB script file is "code/AODDL_DFS.m". The settings of the setup are stored in "code/setup_config.m". An example of arbitrary binary code to be applied as a modulation mask is stored in "data/TheCode.dat". The results are saved in "results/" folder as a "*.dat" file containing the full sampled waveform and graphics of the transmission function and signal profiles. The script was tested in MATLAB R2017b and commissioned experimentally with the AWG model N8241A (Agilent Technologies, USA).


Nacional'nyj issledovatel'skij tehnologiceskij universitet MISiS


Physics, Optics, Femtosecond Laser Technology, Chirped Pulse, Acousto-Optical Effect
