Effect of COVID-19 outbreak on generalized anxiety disorder and medical career decision of senior high school students in China
Published: 31 March 2022| Version 6 | DOI: 10.17632/zpvfwnp9cp.6
Jianfeng Pei, Yeerzhati Yeerjiang, Haifeng Gao, Lei Wang, Ruoxin Zhang, Wanghong XuDescription
The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of effect of COVID-19 outbreak on generalized anxiety disorder and medical career decision of senior high school students in China. The questionnaire was released through WeChat platform to the senior high school students and their parents in China using a convenience sampling method during the period between 26th February and 4th March in 2020. In the raw dataset, a total of 21,141 students’ data and 21,416 parents’ data was collected from 24 provinces.
Fudan University
Epidemiology, Health Policy, Public Health, Medical Education, Mental Health, Assessment of Career Decision-Making