From Policy to Practice: The Role of National Policy Instruments and Social Barriers in UK Energy Efficiency Adoption in households
Published: 27 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zr2ddj7scw.1
Cristina PenascoDescription
Original survey data of a representative sample of households in the UK (2022) and codes for replication of paper - From Policy to Practice: The Role of National Policy Instruments and Social Barriers in UK Energy Efficiency Adoption in households
Steps to reproduce
Steps to create variables are attached in the do. file PIREES55
Sciences Po, University of Cambridge, Banque de France
Energy Efficiency, Survey, Residential Energy Efficiency
Liepp Sciences Po
funding for the project Policy instruments for the energy efficiency sector: enabling mechanisms for a "Fit for 55" efficient transition (PIREES55)
Cambridge Humanities Research Grants Scheme 2020/21 Round 2
financing the project: The energy efficiency question: exploring behaviours in energy use in households.