Sinai Baton Blue (Pseudophilotes sinaicus) Full Model
The individual based model of the Sinai Baton Blue (Pseudophilotes sinaicus) used in our paper titled "Can long-term diapause/dormancy improve persistence in a positively autocorrelated environment?".
Steps to reproduce
To reproduce our findings, visual basic must be enabled on excel in order to run our simulations. We change 3 variables: Degree of stochasticity - Selected (if being used) by deleting the apostrophe of 1 of 4 options and making sure the other 3 options are disabled within the "Simulation" sub-simulation. The 4 options are "Stochasticity ", for highly autocorrelated scenarios, "Reddish", for moderately autocorrelated scenarios, "Whitish", for mildly autocorrelated scenarios, and "WhiteNoise" for no autocorrelation scenarios. All should be disabled if using Jamie Musgrove's method of applying juvenile mortality. Diapause - The length of diapause can altered by enabling the subroutines "ProlongDiapause3" for a 3-year diapause or "ProlongDiapause8" for an 8-year diapause. Disable both for no prolonged diapause. Pupal mortality - This was only enabled for tests on the effects of pupal mortality and is changed by enabling the subroutine in the "Simulation" subroutine. "ProlongDiapause3Mort" will enable pupal mortality for a 3-year diapause population and "ProlongDiapause8Mort" will enable pupal mortality for an 8-year diapause population. The degree of pupal mortality can be altered within the subroutine.