Pseudo-Direct Numerical Simulation (P-DNS) databases
The databases contain the inertial stress tensors computed from the equilibrium state of high fidelity simulations of different RVEs. These representative volume elements isolate fine scale fluid flow regions to compute their dynamic behavior subject to boundary conditions provided from the coarse scale. Homogeneous flows require Id1 (and Id2) inputs. Multiphase flows also require c (dispersed phase volume fraction), d (mean diameter), n (spread) of the Rosin Rammler distribution.
Steps to reproduce
Inputs: Id_{ij} = G_{ij}H^2/nu for a pure shear configuration of gradients G. c = \epsilon_p (the local dispersed phase volume fraction) d (mean diameter of the local Rosin Rammler distribution) n (spread of the local Rosin Rammler distribution) Outputs The components of the fine inertial stresses tensor <rho*uf_i*uf_j> where <.> indicates the time mean of spatial average, and uf is the perturbation of the RVE solution uR, this is uR_i = G_{ij}*x_j + uf_i. For homogeneous flows, the density is considered rho=1. More details and examples of usage in references.