Database for gender moderating effects of financial constraints on business innovation
Database for testing the moderating effects of gender on the relationship between financial constraints and both technological and management innovation in Spanish SMEs. Using Stata 14: label variable c1 "Firm age" label variable c2 "Firm size" label variable c3 "Industry" label variable c4 "CEO age" label variable c5 "CEO education" label variable c6 "ROA" label variable c7 "Leverage" label variable c8 "Current ratio" label variable c9 "Nº of Banks operating" label define Woman 0 "Man" 1 "Woman" label values gender Woman bysort gender: sum afc* ips* ipp* mi* c* corr gender afc* ips* ipp* mi* c*, means
Steps to reproduce
**EFA/CFA** sem (Hartman-> afc* ips* ipp* mi*), stand difficult cov(e.afc2*e.afc3 e.afc2*e.afc4 e.afc5*e.afc6 e.ips2*e.ipp2 e.ips3*e.ipp3 e.mi1*e.mi2 e.mi2*e.mi3 ) condisc estat gof, stats(all) estat eqgof estimates store o0 sem (AFC-> afc*) (TI-> ips* ipp*) (MI-> mi*) , difficult stand cov(e.afc2*e.afc3 e.afc2*e.afc4 e.afc5*e.afc6 e.ips2*e.ipp2 e.ips3*e.ipp3 e.mi1*e.mi2 e.mi2*e.mi3) estat gof, stats(all) estat eqgof condisc estimates store o1 lrtest o0 o1 loevh afc* kap afc* alpha afc* loevh ips* ipp* kap ips* ipp* alpha ips* ipp* loevh mi* kap mi* alpha mi* **MGA validation** sem (AFC-> afc*)(TI-> ips* ipp*)(MI-> mi*), difficult stand cov(e.afc2*e.afc3 e.afc2*e.afc4 e.afc5*e.afc6 e.ips2*e.ipp2 e.ips3*e.ipp3 e.mi1*e.mi2 e.mi2*e.mi3 ) group(gender) means(AFC@0 TI@0 MI@0) var(AFC@1 TI@1 MI@1) ginvariant(all) est store om1 Repeat model changing option ginvariant to (mcoef mcons) est store om2 Repeat model changing option ginvariant to (mcoef) est store om3 Repeat model changing option ginvariant to (none) est store om4 estat gof, stats(all) estat ggof estat eqgof estat ginvariant lrtest om1 om2 lrtest om1 om3 lrtest om4 om1 lrtest om2 om3 lrtest om4 om2 lrtest om3 om4 **H1** sem (AFC-> afc*)(TI-> ips* ipp*)(MI-> mi*) (AFC <- c*) (AFC c* -> TI MI), difficult cov(e.afc2*e.afc3 e.afc2*e.afc4 e.afc5*e.afc6 e.ips2*e.ipp2 e.ips3*e.ipp3 e.mi1*e.mi2 e.mi2*e.mi3 e.TI*e.MI) est store total estat gof, stats(all) estat eqgof Repeat model using "if gender==0" est store men estat gof, stats(all) estat eqgof Repeat model using "if gender==1" est store women estat gof, stats(all) estat eqgof **H2** sem (AFC-> afc*)(TI-> ips* ipp*)(MI-> mi*) (AFC <- c*) (AFC c* -> TI MI), difficult cov(e.afc2*e.afc3 e.afc2*e.afc4 e.afc5*e.afc6 e.ips2*e.ipp2 e.ips3*e.ipp3 e.mi1*e.mi2 e.mi2*e.mi3 e.TI*e.MI) group(gender) ginvariant(all) estimates store om1 Repeat model changing option ginvariant to (mcoef mcons) est store om2 Repeat model changing option ginvariant to (mcoef) est store om3 Repeat model changing option ginvariant to (none) est store om4 estat gof, stats(all) estat ggof estat eqgof estat ginvariant lrtest om1 om2 lrtest om1 om3 lrtest om4 om1 lrtest om2 om3 lrtest om4 om2 lrtest om3 om4 estat stdize: nlcom (ManMI: [MI]0.gender#c.AFC) (ManTI: [TI]0.gender#c.AFC) (WomanMI:[MI]1.gender#c.AFC) (WomanTI: [TI]1.gender#c.AFC) testnl (([MI]1.gender#c.AFC)=([MI]0.gender#c.AFC)) (([TI]1.gender#c.AFC)=([TI]0.gender#c.AFC)) , mtest testnl (([TI]1.gender#c.AFC)=([MI]1.gender#c.AFC)) (([TI]0.gender#c.AFC)=([MI]0.gender#c.AFC)), mtest