Data for Assessing Urban Effects on Precipitation in the Atlanta, GA USA Region - 2014-2023
With respect to these data, the Atlanta, GA region is considered to be a circle with a 90-km radius that iscentered on downtown Atlanta. The time period is 2014-2023. This dataset contains the following data: 1. Information about the 50 precipitation gauges within 90 km of downtown Atlanta for which data are provided; 2. Raw daily precipitation totals for the 50 gauges; 3. Serially complete daily precipitation totals for the 50 gauges; 4. Daily wind direction for the Atlanta region; 5. Cumulative precipitation totals, precipitation days, heavy-precipitation days for the 50 gauges over the ten years; 6. Impervious percentages for wedges that extend from the 50 gauges; 7. Mean percent imperviousness -- weighted by precipitation totals -- upwind from the 50 gauges; 8. Mean percent imperviousness -- weighted by precipitation days -- upwind from the 50 gauges; 9. Mean percent imperviousness -- weighted by heavy-precipitation days -- upwind from the 50 gauges; 10. Control and downwind gauges for the 84 scenarios for each of the precipitation variables (i.e.., precipitation totals, precipitation days, and heavy-precipitation days; and 11. Geospatial data for the precipitation gauges.