Dynamics of core–shell-structured sorbents for enhanced adsorptive separation of carbon dioxide
The dataset supports the paper entitled "Dynamics of Core–Shell-Structured Sorbents for Enhanced Adsorptive Separation of Carbon Dioxide" by K. Bizon, M. Gunia and M. Prończuk (doi: 10.3390/cryst14070597) and it contains: - numerical script developed in Matlab software used to perform simulations (HybridParticle1D_ads_des.m file); - results of numerical simulations based on which figures reported in the article were done, in particular: 1) ads_core_basic.mat, ads_shell_basic.mat and uni_mix_basic.mat denote, respectively, simulation data obtained for sorbent-in-core, sorbent-in-shell and uniform particle with the baseline set of the model parameters; 2) ads_core_Tbulk343.mat, ads_core_Tbulk363.mat and ads_core_Tbulk383.mat denote simulation data obtained for sorbent-in-core configuration, respectively, with the temperature increase to 343, 363 and 383 K, after reaching the equilibrium at baseline temperature; 3) ads_core_dpore_10nm.mat, ads_core_dpore_100nm.mat and ads_core_dpore_170nm.mat denote simulation data obtained for sorbent-in-core configuration, respectively, with the mean pore diameter equal to 10, 100 and 170 (baseline value) nanometers.
National Science Center