jj-Coupling-based atomic self-consistent-field calculations with relativistic effective core potentials and two-component spinors

Published: 2 May 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zs4twp8r67.1


A self-consistent-field (SCF) program for the calculation of atomic energies and wave functions defined in jj-coupling using two-component atomic spinors and relativistic effective core potentials (RECPs) is described. The code is based on the linear combination of atomic orbitals SCF algorithm for atomic states defined in LS-coupling developed by Roothaan and Bagus. Hamiltonian matrix elements with respect to one- and two-electron operators, including RECPs, are calculated for two-component atomic spinor basis functions of either Gaussian-type orbitals (GTOs) or Slater-type orbitals (STOs). Electronic states are defined as eigenfunctions of the total angular momentum squared operator and tables of the required vector coupling coefficients that define such pure states are provided. In addition, one or more GTO expansions of large- and small-core RECPs and their corresponding GTO basis sets are supplied for all elements Z=3 through Z=118. Optimized two-component basis sets of STOs or GTOs can be calculated for use in molecular structure codes based on RECPs and relativistic electronic structure theory. Atomic asymptotic state energies at the SCF level of theory for analysis of molecular dissociation limits can be studied.



Computational Physics
