LES Simulation Data for Dust Entrainment

Published: 25 February 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/zs5z2bvkk6.2
Santosh Rana


Description: This dataset includes one MATLAB script and LES simulation data for one ensemble. Several such ensembles were used to compute the conditionally averaged quantities of the flow in the under review paper “An entrainment paradox: how hysteretic saltation and secondary transport augment atmospheric uptake of aeolian source materials” by Santosh Rana, William Anderson, and Mackenzie Day. Metadata: Metadata_ConditionalStress.txt - File name descriptions for surface stress. Metadata_ ConditionalVelocity.txt - File name descriptions for velocity fluctuations. Metadata_STATS_FA.txt - File name descriptions for Reynolds averaged velocities. Metadata_MATLABscript.txt – Information about the MATLAB script. Data: ConditionalStress*.dat.c* - Each of these files contains two columns of data. The first and second column correspond to stresses T_xy and T_yz respectively. In the paper, only T_xy is used in the results section. The first * in the filename can have value “Alpha”, “Beta” or “Gamma” corresponding to Mode 1, Mode 2 and Mode3 conditional averaging. The second * in the filename can have a numerical value between 0 and 15 indicating the number of parallel process. ConditionalVelocity*.dat.c* - Each of these files contains three columns of data for conditionally averaged streamwise velocity (u), spanwise velocity (v) and wall-normal velocity (w). The first * in the filename can have value “Alpha”, “Beta” or “Gamma” corresponding to Mode 1, Mode 2 and Mode3 conditional averaging. The second * in the filename can have a numerical value between 0 and 15 indicating the number of parallel process. STATS_FA.dat.c* - These files contain data for Reynolds averaged streamwise velocity (u), spanwise velocity (v) and wall-normal velocity (w). The * in the filename can have a numerical value between 0 and 15 indicating the number of parallel process. Script: PostProcess.m – This script calculates Reynolds averaged and conditionally averaged streamwise velocity (u), spanwise velocity (v) and wall-normal velocity and their fluctuations. Additional information: Alpha, Beta and Gamma as used in the file names indicate Mode 1, Mode 2 and Mode 3 dust entrainment respectively.



Aeolian Model, Database
