A genetically-encoded fluorescent biosensor for visualization of acetyl-CoA in live cells, Smith et al, PancACe HeLa single time point experiments, original images
These data are raw image files from fluorescence microscopy analysis of HeLa cells in the study "A genetically-encoded fluorescent biosensor for visualization of acetyl-CoA in live cells," Smith et al. The processed data derived from these images is provided in the manuscript and in the supplemental data files published with it. Likewise, detailed protocols for data collection and image analysis are provided in the manuscript and supplemental files. The Python script used for batch processing of images via Fiji is available at https://github.com/Adamcolligan/pancace. These images are from the experiments described in Figures 4, 5, S9, and Data File S4 of the publication. The files are in the .tif format as they were directly exported from Leica Application Suite X. Important filename information: Well- Every filename has a designation for the well in the microplate that was imaged (e.g., B2, B3, B4, C2). The spreadsheet included herein and Data File S5 of the publication provide a key for which well contained which experimental condition. Note that some wells were not utilized in every experiment and that some wells contained experimental conditions that were not ultimately published and so were excluded from inclusion herein. Position- The position denotes the area within the well that was imaged ("Position1"). Typically, 10 positions were collected per well. Channel designation- There are two images for each Position within each Well. Channel 00 ("ch_00") denotes the image collected with excitation light of 405 nm. Channel 01 ("ch_01") denotes the image collected with excitation light of 488 nm. For both channel images, light of 515 nm was detected.
National Institute of General Medical Sciences