data for Diversity and seasonality of horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) in Uruguay
For 20 months, systematic collections were performed using Nzi and Malaise traps in two different environments at the experimental farm. Temperature, humidity and rainfall were recorded using a local climatological station. In addition, nonsystematic collections were made at farms located in the departments of Paysandú, Tacuarembó and Colonia. A total of 3,666 horse flies were collected, allowing the identification of 16 species. Three species were recorded for the first time in Uruguay: Dasybasis ornatissima (Brèthes), Dasybasis missionum (Macquart), and Tabanus aff. platensis Brèthes. A species that had not been previously taxonomically described was identified (Tabanus sp.1). In the systematic captures, the most abundant species were Tabanus campestris Brèthes, T. aff. platensis and D. missionum, representing 77.6% of the collected specimens. Variations in the prevalence of species in the different departments were observed