Elevated corticosterone levels are associated with increased immunocompetence in male toads, both when calling and under experimental conditions

Published: 9 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/zstjrknnnv.1
Bruna Cassettari, Carla Madelaire, Fernando Gomes


Raw data and R scripts used for analyses of the article "Cassettari, Madelaire & Gomes. Elevated corticosterone levels are associated with increased immunocompetence in male toads, both when calling and under experimental conditions. Hormones and Behavior (accepted for publication)". There are, in the "data" folder, four .csv datasheets, in which results are shown: G.granulosa_log_Exp2015.csv - Log transformed data of experimental procedures on R. granulosa males in 2015. Others csv files - results of behavioral, hormonal and immunological parameters obtained for R. granulosa calling males in the field. Each file contains that optimized data sample for the immunological parameter considered. Complete R scripts used for analyses and Figures are in the "R scripts" folder.



Universidade de Sao Paulo


Animal Physiology
