Data on Adverse Childhood Experiences, Anxious Working Models of Attachment, and Somatic Symptoms in A Sample of College Students

Published: 4 April 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/zt3wmhdvg3.2
Hung-Chu Lin


The raw data file (.csv) titled, “Raw data on ACEs, attachment working models, and somatic symptoms” contains self-report survey responses from a sample of 691 college students aged 18 or older. After removing participants with missing data, a total of 662 participants (477 females and 185 males) (Mage = 20.7, SDage = 4.0) were included in the results of analysis reported here. In addition to demographic information, the main study variables included adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), attachment working models, and somatic symptoms. Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics of the main study variables by gender and gender differences in the three main study variables. Bivariate correlations of the three main study variables are also presented in Table 1. Table 2 summarizes the percentage associated with each category of ACEs and gender differences in the percentages of different categories of ACEs. Table 3 displays the results for multiple regression analysis, with Step 1 testing the main effects of ACEs and attachment anxiety and Step 2 testing the moderating role of attachment anxiety in the association of ACEs with somatic symptoms. Gender was controlled in both steps of analysis. Figure 1 unpacks the significant interaction and reveals the influence of ACEs on somatic symptoms at low (-1SD below the mean), mean, and high (+1SD above the mean) levels of attachment anxiety.

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Child Psychology
